Waiting until 1:45 for our transfer proved to be not as nerve wracking as I thought it'd be. I had my massage this morning with K. I know I've said this before, but she is amazing. We actually ended up talking throughout the whole massage. About our losses (she lost a baby at 12 weeks recently), about our hopes, and about how we've changed as people. It was a great talk. Than I zipped back to the house to meet up with C. I usually like to give us about two hours to get there even though it only takes about an hour and a half. Today we left extra early, and thank god we did, there was so much damn freaking traffic, it was absurd. They're doing work on one of the bridges to get off this man made island we live on, and they had traffic at a standstill for 2 miles in either direction!!!
Anyway, we made it and they took us right away. There was just a generally "good" feeling today. We got a great RE, Dr. R, to do the transfer, not our RE, Dr. B, but he was great. We had two embryos transferred, one 8 cell, grade 3, HIP, no fragmentation (HIP is high implantation...the best grading), and one 7 cell, grade 3, HIP. WooHooo!!!
We had 3 left to freeze, all 7 cell, grade 3, HIP!!!!! The transfer itself went fabulous. Dr. R walked us through every step. Not like we haven't done it before, but it was so nice to have someone who was so positive and encouraging. He took his time. He said my lining was thick, which is great, and he said I have a great uterus. That cracks me up. I gave props to Dr. B who removed the polyps I'd had about a year ago.
So, here we are. Even C was really positive, and he is ALWAYS the glass is half empty. I think it's the first time that I've ever heard him say he has a good feeling about something. He is usually much more cautious, and doesn't ever look at the bright side.
The countdown has begun!!! 11 days until the Beta!!!!
A huge THANK YOU to the angel that submitted me to LFCA!!!