My sister is feeling much better! Yay! She is still snuggled in her bed, and my step-dad (who is the best dad ever...he raised me, too, because my father died when I was 14) is still there taking care of her. She said no contractions today, and the stomach pain seems to be getting better. Thank god!
My day started off with a bang...I may not have my period, but I've definitely got all the emotions that go with it!!! C was asking me all these questions about what they were going to do if I don't get it, and I would tell him what I knew, then he would ask more questions. I felt like I was being interrogated! I did loose my temper a little bit. But the day turned out ok.
So, still no period. I guess that there will be no period at this point. I will call tomorrow and they will set me up for blood tests on Friday which will be day 14 on the Lupron. I am just trying to remind myself that it's not about bleeding it's about hormone levels!
I'm typing this from the guest room, because C thinks he's coming down with something and I can not get sick! I miss him, but I actually don't mind sleeping in the guest room sometimes. We don't allow our dog, Lux, on the bed in our room, but she's allowed on this one, so I get to sleep with her, which is nice.
I'm so glad today is going better. I just know your levels will be great tomorrow. Definitely take care of yourself - I've become a maniac with the hand sanitizer to try and avoid getting sick!